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Tag: war on drugs

Drugs Watch Philippines & UK

Drugs watch as a title was prompted by recent events in Bacolod and in Huyton, Liverpool, UK. Then I checked the Huyton news story and I can find no connection to drugs. Huyton is where I grew up and lived for almost the first twenty years of my life. [Update: since writing that I have read the police have recovered a large amount of cash, guns and drugs in Huyton] The Huyton incident involved a seventeen year old being shot in the head while riding on the back of a motorbike – a truly shocking and brutal murder. My first instinct was to think it was drug related. I can be excused for that as the local paper, the Liverpool Echo, carries a gun crime…

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War On Drugs: Damascene Moment?

The post below first appeared on the Stephen Bentley – Author website. As a regular reader of my blog here, you may wonder why I sometimes reproduce articles from my author site here. The answer is straightforward. It is to enable my Weekly Newsletter to include articles like this into the news feed for the newsletter. You then have a choice. when opening the Newsletter email once a week,  to read any article that piques your interest and ignore those that don’t 🙂 Please also note comments are not open here. If you wish to comment and join the debate, please click this link to go to my author website where you may say your piece. Thank you. This article continues the series of posts…

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Philippines, War On Drugs and an Undercover Cop

This article first appeared on the Stephen Bentley – Author website. The recent publication of my book ‘Undercover: Operation Julie – The Inside Story‘ has opened up an interesting debate about the “war on drugs,” undercover policing and related issues. This is the first in a series of articles about that debate and some other issues raised by reviews of my book. What does the War on Drugs, an Undercover Cop and the Philippines have in common? There is a certain irony in a British ex-undercover cop living in the Philippines. He went undercover on one of the world’s largest drug busts, Operation Julie, and now advocates decriminalization along the lines of the example set by Portugal. Social media is inundated with #warondrugs hashtags associated…

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War on Drugs – Beware 1) Misinformation 2) Vested Interests

Disclosure: I have a book to sell and promote ‘Undercover: Operation Julie – The Inside Story.’ It is a true story of my undercover cop days infiltrating one of the world’s largest drug gangs. I make the disclosure in light of the words “vested interests” in the title of this piece. I, unlike some others, have no vested interests in the debate on drugs. As I wrote in my book, “I am   neither pro or anti-drugs.” I am all in favor of an intelligent, fact-based debate. But other than that, I have no vested interest in advocating a view about the so-called ‘War on Drugs.’ It was the BBC who said that Operation Julie was the start of the ‘War on Drugs.’ As I…

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